I Love My Clients and I Love Helping Them Regain Their Health!

“Hi Carri, I hope you are well in what has been a very challenging time for us all over the last 5 months or so. It’s been a long time since I was last in touch and I wanted to give you a quick update on how I’m doing. Over the last 18 months or so I’ve been feeling really well and having venesections every 2 months on average but as I said from the outset the aim was to heal completely just as you did.
A couple of weeks ago, 2 years exactly since my diagnosis I had a regular blood test to check my levels. I was also booked in for another venesection that day as we expected I would need another one, bearing in mind my heamatocrit was .47 at my last reading 2 months ago. If it goes above .47 they want to take blood immediately even though it’s still in the normal range. To my delight and something they struggled to explain, my level had gone down to the perfect reading of .45 without any intervention. This is the first time that my levels had decreased on their own since my diagnosis.
I feel a great shift in my body has occurred and people say I look fantastic and I feel it too. I have stuck to my healthy plant based diet but I think the missing piece of the jigsaw was my emotional happiness. Indeed recently I have reconnected with my eldest daughter who was 16 the other week and the whole family went on holiday to spend a lovely 5 days together. This made me so happy. I also had some powerful experiences meditating as if something has been released in me. I now am not obsessed as in the early days with the condition and I enjoy life feeling so grateful and blessed. It’s as if this diagnosis came along to change my life for the better.
I told the doctor two years ago after that I would fully heal myself and I know this will come to pass. I even told my daughter that it would take two years to achieve great changes. I thank god and the universe that I connected with you to guide me through dark times and into the light. All I want to do is help others heal from all kinds of illnesses. Indeed I am trying to implement a health and well-being programme at the college where I work.
I believe this is real proof that there has been a shift in the body, through my diet, meditations and emotional happiness which I think plays a huge role. I am taking nothing for granted and have another blood test in 2 weeks before I see my consultant but I wanted to share this positive news with you and thank you for that huge role you played in the first year of my healing journey.
I hope you have stayed safe and sane during lockdown and that you continue to do your amazing work with others in need. Take care.”
Love and best wishes,

“Hi Carri, Denmark “calls” again with an update about my friend. He is now living a symptom-free life. He is still on some pills, but natural medicine replaces them step by step. And then there is me. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2.5 months ago. I changed my diet and started exercising. I am still on medication but I have lost 16kg and my blood numbers are now normal. So food can do miracles! We are all still grateful that you sent us your manuscript and that we were allowed to read it and get knowledge about how food can help my friend’s illness .. again thank you very much. All the best.”

“Carri, I received your book today, curled up in bed while my husband watched our four year old, and I didn’t leave the bed til I finished. Thank you for writing this book. I was diagnosed two years ago with polycythemia vera at the age of 38 (two years after a very difficult pregnancy, which resulted in an emergency c-sction to a two pound baby). I felt terrible from the pregnancy and never found my pre pregnancy health. I went to many drs and finally was diagnosed after a bone marrow test. I was on hydrea for one month and HATED it, so I did an extreme haul with diet. I have had positive results with that… and your book was perfect confirmation that I was on the right path.
I am so thankful for you and the book you wrote. It is my first positive connection with someone who has been on this same path since diagnosis, and I always knew in my heart that pv could be healed. Thank you for being this example and for sharing your story. You have given me great hope. Thank you. Thank you.”

“I absolutely love her book and my communication with Carri. Couple of months ago I was diagnosed with the same polycythemia Vera and felt that my world collapsed and I lost confidence in myself and my body. I believe that our body is designed to heal itself, but I need to help it. I found Carri during my research over the internet and after going over all the positive and helpful reviewers, decided this is going to be my next step. I contacted Carri and received the book. I finished it in one sitting and keep going back for more information since then. The book is practical, filled with information that everyone should know, that easy to implement and keep with the plan. From my research (and I’m a scientist), I verified the information and found it repeated throughout many other sources and everything that Carri mentioned in her book is confirmed by other methods. I’m so happy to report that just couple of months into following the book, all my numbers are back to normal. Carri provides constant support and encouragements and I recommend the book and coaching service that Carri provides and thankful I was able to find such a wonderful person and resource in my time of need. Thank you Carri!!!”

“Thanks for thinking of me! I’m doing and feeling great! My blood levels have been really stable. I had 4 phlembotomies in 2016 and only one so far in 2017. Still trying to eat healthy and get as much exercise as my wife will let me out of the house for.”

“Hi Carri,
I have been doing well. I haven’t had this much energy in many many years. I am still adjusting to better eating. My old friend coffee is back in my life (it really is difficult to let that one go). Since we last spoke I have had to have only one blood draw. My hematocrit seems to stay around 39 these days.
I feel like I still have a way to go to regain my health. The good news is that I am feeling hopeful and even excited about where I am. I am more active than I have been in years. Anxiety and depression seem to have lifted. I feel like I am on a building (or “clean up”) project.
At the same time, I am still on the hydrea (500 mg) per day. My long term goal is to be able to eliminate that drug entirely.
Thanks again for everything!!!”
With great appreciation,

“Hi Carri,
Thought you might be interested in my blood counts from today. 🙂 They of course first took my weight: down 20 lbs! I was 178, am now 158. Since I am only 5’4″ I would like to take off about 25 more.
Then the PA came in. She said my counts looked good and asked what I have been doing different. I told her about my diet changes and walking 4 miles almost every day. She said, “Oh, it can’t be that. Food wouldn’t make any difference.” (!!!) She then proceeded to say that since I am eating better my body must be absorbing the medication better. (Bunk!!) Why can’t they believe that good food can heal? She did comment that my complexion and eyes looked much better and laughed when I had to hike up my pants when I was leaving because they were falling down! 🙂
Not sure which counts you would like to see but hematocrit is 39.4 (it was 45 three months ago). Platelets are 208. I can honestly say that for so long I knew I had to change and really didn’t know what I needed to do, but after talking to you something clicked, and I was finally able to do it. So thanks! Oh, I also gave up diet coke about 3 months ago, but had one a couple days ago for the first time. I took one sip and thru the rest out. It was so bad! How did I ever drink that stuff?”

“Your recipes are so delicious! I never knew that I would be eating anything like these recipes! I’ve acquired a taste for food that I’ve never liked or never thought I liked! Thanks again Carri!! I will keep you updated on my health.”

“Carri, Thank you so much for your constant encouragement. Karen and I have found a true friend in you and I must tell you about my doctor appointment today. My Hematocrit was 38.9!!! Last time it was 40.5. It is actually going DOWN instead of up. I could not believe it. My wbc were 18…lower than ever. I am usually 20 or above. We are past 3.5 months now which is the longest I have ever gone without a Phlebotomy. 2 months was my former record. So I think I am on my way to full healing!!
I am less tolerant of sugar now (even though I still love it in moderation)! Karen makes me these delicious cookies and I am to the point now that I like them better than the old chocolate cookies I used to eat. I had part of one of those old cookies the other day thinking it would be a little treat that I could have and it turned out to be anti climactic and I went back to the healthier ones instead. So the taste buds are slowly being trained.
One thing I have learned from all I am going through is to have care and compassion on others. Years ago I was arrogant and conceited (I still may be a little) but I have seen that people go through things that we have no understanding of and all that has happened to me has enlightened me to the fact that many are struggling with difficult circumstances.
Thank you again Carri for all your help and your caring heart. You are a jewel and we will be in touch!”

“I’ve been following your regimen for my psoriatic arthritis for almost 8 weeks now, and my condition has improved substantially! I can bend my thumb and put it into the palm of my hand, which I haven’t been able to do for almost two years. And a lot of the pain is gone and I’m not taking Advil anymore. I cancelled my doctor’s follow up appointment, the doctor who wanted to put me on those powerful auto immune drugs. It’s been a miracle Carri. Thank you so much for your advice!”

“I went to my hematologist, and my numbers are down! I’m only taking the Hydroxyurea every other day and just one pill. The platelets are down from 1.2 million to 541 thousand, and my spleen has come down from 16mm to 8mm. So thank you very much for everything! Have a wonderful day!”

“Hi Carri, Got my monthly blood test results and they were wonderful. My platelet count turned over and came down to 707, which was 217 points below last month! I will see the hematologist Monday and know she will be pleased. She indicated she would be happy with a platelet count of 600 or below.
Anyway, wanted you to have the good news! Thanks for everything.”

“I have thought of you often since we last connected and have determined today to send a quick message and let you know the rippling effects of your counsel. I began the morning water ritual right after you suggested it to me. Carri Duncan, THANK YOU! I am feeling so much more energy and finding my exercising much easier and enjoyable, especially the free weights. When my head hits the pillow at night I am out like a light and into deep, deep sleep. I decided to try it myself before challenging Lee with yet one more thing. Once I am convinced of the worth of a discipline I am not easily dissuaded no matter how rigorous the opposition. I’ll be like gently dripping water on a rock until he agrees to try it for one month. I’m sure once he tries it and feels a difference he will continue it.
Today was the day for his annual visit with his primary physician to review his meds and have the full panel of blood work done to check his liver, etc. which isn’t done in his monthly lab work. The Dr. was pleased with how he presented and with his blood pressure readings which averaged out to be 121/68 for the month. His HCT was 45.5 today which allowed him to go at least one more month without a phlebotomy. That is the second time in a row he’s had a three month stretch between them. He hasn’t had to see his dermatologist since Oct. 20th, so it is evident that his skin condition is improving also. And I can excitedly share that he is beginning to sleep better. Even when he awakens he can more easily get back to sleep and THAT IS BIG!!!!
Your words “baby steps” echo in my mind often and continue to give me courage to persevere when understanding seems difficult, comprehension comes slowly, and results seem slow in coming. It behooves me to encourage you that even though some of your clients are probably more quiet than others you never can know for sure the scope of your influence so don’t ever doubt it.”
Your Nebraska friends ~ Virginia & Lee

“Carri came into my life 5 months ago. Of course, I was skeptical at first, but after a couple of Emails, I decided I have nothing to lose, and we set up a Skype meeting. Boy was I right. My wife joined the session and both of us really liked and connected to both Carri as a person and to Carri’s way. She focuses on people first of all, then she deals with nutrition and healing. Her “first be happy, focus on yourself, just do your best and everything will be good” attitude is amazing and works so well for me and for my wife, who joined my journey.
I was diagnosed with polycythemia vera 11 years ago, and since then, I am on a regular basis of phlebotomies, daily aspirin and chemo pills. The fact that Carri used to have the same disease I do and healed, is an inspiration and a great hope for me to get to total healing. I Email Carri on every little thing I have, and she is always super responsive, supportive and caring.
After only 4 months with Carri, I was so happy to find that my blood platelets have decreased enormously and got to the normal values of healthy people. I will never forget my hematologist’s reaction: “I have no idea what happened here, but I am very pleased.” It is a life changing journey, and I am glad Carri is a part of it.”
Shimi Pressman ~ Israel

“I was diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera six years ago and started working with Carri last December after I had two phlebotomies in two months, and the chemo pill came up for discussion with my hematologist. Carri is wonderful. She is knowledgeable, enthusiastic and supportive. Our communication has been by Skype and email, and Carri responds promptly to my questions. Her suggested recipes are simple to make but best of all for me, Carri is so supportive.
My blood numbers have improved substantially and while I am not cured yet, many of the numbers continue to fall into the normal range. I have not had a phlebotomy in a year and am not on the chemo pill. I am thrilled with the results so far! I also feel much stronger and healthier overall. I am so lucky to have found Carri on the internet.”
Carol S.

“You’re a terrific healer!! So incredibly supportive with such positive energy. I now realize — after my own searching — that your recommendations have been right on. Thank you for the loving attention that you’ve been giving.”
Warmly ~ Judith K.